Saturday, December 31, 2005


Year 2006...
Tommorow is 2006...Year 2005 soon to be forgoten..Well..there is a lot of things that happened to me in 2005.They are a lot of happy and sad things that happened to me..Amongst the happy moment were i passes my fourth year final usual i make new years resolution every year and never achieved it ( how many of us does anyway??).
My new year resolution for this year is
1.To be a better dental surgeon when i graduate i.e in june 2006
2.To start revising as early as possible for my finals(For the sake of viva)
3.To not be so money spendtrift (Ha..ha..Difficult)
Important things happening in 2006 are
1.My final professional exam ( If I pass this I will get my degree in dentistry and become a dental surgeon)
2.Bridesmaid for my friend,Faye who's getting married in May 2006
3.Vacation to Bangkok with my boyfriend in june 2006
4.Climb Mount Kinabalu in june 2006
5.Start working as Dental Officer in July 2006
6.My convocation in September 2006
i hope that 2006 brings new opportunity to me and muchmuch better year for me compare to 2005.Wish me luck...

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Sensitive teeth?????

Dentine hypersensitivity

Does your tooth felt sensitive during eating ice cream or drink cold drink?If your answer is yes,then u might be suffering Dentine Hypersensitivity.
Is characterised by Sharp pain that is Rapid onset and Arise from exposed dentine esp in response to chemical, thermal/ osmotic stimulation that cannot be explained from any other form of dental defect/ pathology.It can be Transient, may persist/linger as dull ache.
It is common among the population who in their 20s to 40s,mostly the female were affected and occur in people with gum disease.
1.arise as a result of loss of enamel &/or root surface denudation with exposure or underlying dentine
2.gingival recession
3.enamel loss due to wear : attrition, abrasion, erosion, abfraction
4.periodontal disease

Other dental disease that may mimic Dentine Hypersensitivity....
1.crack tooth syndrome
3.chipped teeth
4.caries restoration sensitivity(means that ur tooth felt sensitive after being restore with filling.Usually composite/tooth colored filling)
6.teeth in hyperfunction

1.Correct toothbrushing technique i.e avoid excessive force,usage of hard bristle toothbrush or abrasive toothpaste i.e smokers toothpaste.I highly recommend the usage of toothpaste that is specific for tackling hypersensitive teeth e.g Sensodyne or Colgate Sensitive.
2.Reduce intake of acidic food/beverage e.g ice lemon tea or carbonated drink.FYI check out the content of carbonated contain citric acid.
3.If the problem still persist after u tried the method above...then u need profesional help.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Tooth discoloration

Tooth discoloration can be caused by many different factors. Some influence the formation of the enamel, while others cause the staining of enamel. Discoloration may be uniform or may appear as spots or lines in the enamel. Discolored areas may also have a different density and porosity than normal enamel.
Factors influencing tooth color include genetic, congenital (existing at birth), infectious, and environmental. Inherited diseases may influence the thickness of enamel or the calcium or protein content of the enamel. Metabolic diseases (diseases caused by malfunctions in body processes), may cause both abnormalities of color and shape.
Drugs and medications either taken by the mother while pregnant or by the child during the time of tooth development can cause changes in both the color and hardness of the enamel.
Common Cause;

1.High fever at an age when tooth formation is taking place
2.Poor oral hygiene; poor care and cleanliness of the mouth and teeth
3.The antibiotic tetracycline given before the age of 8 years
4.Excessive fluoride either from environmental sources (natural high water fluoride levels) or from excessive administration (fluoride applications, rinses, toothpaste, and fluoride supplements taken by mouth)
5.Severe neonatal jaundice caused by poor liver function as a newborn
Porphyria, a disease characterized by an excessive production of pigmentation in the body
6.Dentinogenesis and amelogenesis imperfecta, genetic defects which affect the enamel of both primary and permanent dentition
7.Eating or drinking foods (or fluids) that temporarily stain the teeth, like tea or coffee

A Christmas to remember....

Today is christmas eve...Christmas is a day that you are supposed to be happy.However in my case...i felt unhappy and sad today.My friends seems like busy with their own life and my boyfriend seems like doesnt care much about me...What a pathetic life i have....i just dont understand why i have such lonely life....its like when i am happy..all my friends are there but when i'm sad none of them are by my side....

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

What is Gum Disease?

Periodontal (gum) diseases, including gingivitis and periodontitis, are serious infections that, left untreated, can lead to tooth loss. The word periodontal literally means "around the tooth." Periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the gums and bone supporting the teeth.
Periodontal disease can affect one tooth or many teeth. It begins when the bacteria in plaque (the sticky, colorless film that constantly forms on your teeth) causes the gums to become inflamed.

In the mildest form of the disease, gingivitis, the gums redden, swell and bleed easily. There is usually little or no discomfort. Gingivitis is often caused by inadequate oral hygiene. Gingivitis is reversible with professional treatment and good oral home care.
Untreated gingivitis can advance to periodontitis. With time, plaque can spread and grow below the gum line. Toxins produced by the bacteria in plaque irritate the gums. The toxins stimulate a chronic inflammatory response in which the body in essence turns on itself, and the tissues and bone that support the teeth are broken down and destroyed. Gums separate from the teeth, forming pockets (spaces between the teeth and gums) that become infected. As the disease progresses, the pockets deepen and more gum tissue and bone are destroyed. Often, this destructive process has very mild symptoms. Eventually, teeth can become loose and may have to be removed.

Causes of Periodontal DiseaseThe main cause of periodontal disease is bacterial plaque, a sticky, colorless film that constantly forms on your teeth. However, factors like the following also affect the health of your gums.
1.Smoking/Tobacco Use

As you probably already know, tobacco use is linked with many serious illnesses such as cancer, lung disease and heart disease, as well as numerous other health problems. What you may not know is that tobacco users also are at increased risk for periodontal disease. In fact, recent studies have shown that tobacco use may be one of the most significant risk factors in the development and progression of periodontal disease.
Research proves that up to 30% of the population may be genetically susceptible to gum disease. Despite aggressive oral care habits, these people may be six times more likely to develop periodontal disease. Identifying these people with a genetic test before they even show signs of the disease and getting them into early interventive treatment may help them keep their teeth for a lifetime
3.Pregnancy and Puberty
As a woman, you know that your health needs are unique. You know that brushing and flossing daily, a healthy diet, and regular exercise are all important to help you stay in shape. You also know that at specific times in your life, you need to take extra care of yourself. Times when you mature and change, for example, puberty or menopause, and times when you have special health needs, such as menstruation or pregnancy. During these particular times, your body experiences hormonal changes. These changes can affect many of the tissues in your body, including your gums. Your gums can become sensitive, and at times react strongly to the hormonal fluctuations. This may make you more susceptible to gum disease. Additionally, recent studies suggest that pregnant women with gum disease are seven times more likely to deliver preterm, low birth weight babies.
As you probably already know, stress is linked to many serious conditions such as hypertension, cancer, and numerous other health problems. What you may not know is that stress also is a risk factor for periodontal disease. Research demonstrates that stress can make it more difficult for the body to fight off infection, including periodontal diseases.
Some drugs, such as oral contraceptives, anti-depressants, and certain heart medicines, can affect your oral health. Just as you notify your pharmacist and other health care providers of all medicines you are taking and any changes in your overall health, you should also inform your dental care provider
6.Clenching?Grinding your teeht
8.Other systemic disease

To prevent cavity in your tooth

Fluoride is a natural element that can be found in many things, like the water we drink and the food we eat. Decades ago, scientists began to notice that children who lived in places where fluoride occurred naturally in the water, had fewer dental cavities.
Fluoride that is absorbed by your body is used by the cells that build your teeth to make stronger enamel. Topical fluoride - fluoride that is applied to the outside of the enamel - makes the crystals that form enamel more durable. Tooth enamel crystals that have fluoride are much more resistant to acid. They are less likely to breakdown and cause the tooth surface to become porous.
If your dentist recommends a fluoride treatment during your next dental visit, you'll be receiving topical protection. The fluoride your dentist puts in your mouth will help make the crystals in your tooth enamel stronger. Always use a toothpaste with fluoride. Look for the Canadian Dental Association seal of approval on the toothpaste tube in your bathroom.

What causes cavity???
Your mouth is a busy place. Bacteria - tiny colonies of living organisms are constantly on the move on your teeth, gums, lips and tongue.
Having bacteria in your mouth is a normal thing. While some of the bacteria can be harmful, most are not and some are even helpful.
Certain types of bacteria, however, can attach themselves to hard surfaces like the enamel that covers your teeth. If they're not removed, they multiply and grow in number until a colony forms. More bacteria of different types attach to the colony already growing on the tooth enamel. Proteins that are present in your saliva (spit) also mix in and the bacteria colony becomes a whitish film on the tooth. This film is called plaque, and it's what causes cavities.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Dental Humor

Dentists can be frustrating. You wait a month-and-a-half for an appointment, and they say, "I wish you'd come to me sooner."
So this is why there's no more "spit bowls" at the dentists' office?
"Happiness is your dentist telling you it won't hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill." -- Johnny Carson
Toothaches always start on Friday night right before the weekend when the Dental Office will be closed.
No Frills Dentist Appointment
The Smiths were shown into the dentist's office, where Mr. Smith made it clear he was in a big hurry. "No fancy stuff, Doctor," he ordered, "No gas or needles or any of that stuff. Just pull the tooth and get it over with." "I wish more of my patients were as stoic as you," said the dentist admiringly. "Now, which tooth is it?" Mr. Smith turned to his wife Sue. "Show him, honey."
My dental hygienist is cute. Every time I visit, I eat a whole package of Oreo cookies while waiting in the lobby. Sometimes she has to cancel the rest of the afternoon's appointments. -- Steven Wright
At 5 P.M. one Halloween afternoon, my dental hygienist realized that she wouldn't make it to the store in time to get snacks for trick-or-treaters. So she took home some free samples from the office supply cabinet. That night she handed out dozens of toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss. The next year, although she had bags of chips and popcorn, not one child came knocking at her door.
A little boy was taken to the dentist. It was discovered that he had a cavity that would have to be filled. "Now, young man," asked the dentist, "what kind of filling would you like for that tooth?" "Chocolate, please," replied the youngster.
Q: What time was the Vampire's dentist appointment?
A: Tooth-Hurty (2:30)
Q: What does the dentist of the year get?
A.: A little plaque.
Q: What's the difference between a dentist and a New York Yankee fan?
A: One yanks for the roots and the other roots for the Yanks.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Bright smiles....

Everyone loves a bright white smiles..however this is not possible for some persons as they may have yellowish teeth. I myself also have yellowish teeth because of antibiotic comsumption when i was a toodler.FYI, tetracycline a type of antibiotic that used to be prescribe to young patient mostly to treat ear infection by medical practioner.However,its proven that this antibiotic if given to children below 12 years old, they will have defect in their permanent dentition later.This can range from yellowish to brownish discoloration to the child permanent teeth.The picture above is one of the example of tetracycline induced staining.So..remembers parent, if your child have ear infection, remember that they are not given tetracycline.
Even this staining does causes unaesthetic teeth.There are some treatment option for this type of discoloration.Here are the treatment option
1.Tooth whitening/Bleaching.This only applicable in mild cases
3.Crown.This is for a moderate to severe cases
Tooth whitening does really works for me.I recommend people to try it.Ok..i will discuss about other causes of tooth discoloration i.e coffee stain etc tomorrow.Feel free to post a comment.Meanwhile that..have a good day.

Bad breath

Sometimes people just dont realize that they have bad breath....Thats what a dentist eliminate bad breath.Here some information for u guys.
1.Bad breath is one of the symptoms of gum disease
2.Gum disease causes mobility of tooth
3.When your gum bleeds when brushingyour teeth,it is one of the earliest sign of gum disease. something to ponder with.Dont' ever pick your nose in public!!

Saturday, December 17, 2005


I don't now whats go into me lately...suddenly i'm interested in these online bussiness.maybe because of lack of$$$'s going to be christmas soon and my birthday is the day after that.i'll bet everyone remembers tsunami last year that cause serious damage.its quite a coincidence that my birthday i.e 26 December is the date of tsunami and typhoon Greg that struck asia.Not only that, my boyfriend birthday is on 11 September i.e the day new york world trade centre fall down due to those useless and stupid does freak me out that so many coincidence occur with me and my boyfirend birthdate. i'm quite tired because i have to atend this symposium.It so darn boring and i almost doozed off.Cannot wait to start working so that i can get money.I plan to go to Bangkok after my graduation.Hopefully i'l get my student loan asap so i can buy all the neccesary stuff.Who know i'll get to know somebody new there hi hi..

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Dental treatment.....

i'm actually a final year dental student. I'm going to graduate soon i.e next year. To tell the truth i'm not really into dentistry at all but i have no choice. Actually dentistry is quite fun sometimes when i felt my patient appreciate what i have done to them. I felt good when i do a nice job e.g anterior composte filling that improve the appearance of my patient's teeth. However it dissapoint me a lot when I found out that my patient did not take care his oral hygiene after that and lead to recurrent caries
My weekly routine start from 8-5pm every day from monday till friday. I do teeth extraction,fillings,scaling,crowns,bridges,etc.....everyday i see people mouth.You guys cannot imagine what u can see in other people's mouth.It kinda gross at the first place but i already get used to it now. U can see al sort of things and u cannot imagine how these people live?do they ever brushes their teeth?
Well...what can i say?

Friday, December 02, 2005


i believe in karma...i believe that if u do something good u will get something good back..i'm totally disatisfied..i hate to be some one who doesn't mind when somebody bitching about me behind my back.i guess that person should take a mirror and see herself in it.what a motherfucker BITCH!!!the war has started baby...its u who crosses line.Fuck You!!!!